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Short on cash? Don’t worry.
We accept digital payments too

our Coverage

My car battery was flat during our family trip in Kelantan but I manage to get my battery replacement in a swift. Thank god no plans were spoiled. I only waited 30 minutes and Autopower Rescue team did a good job.
Alfred Rodriguez
Business Owner
I am the type where all my car issues is fixed by my other half, I only do the driving and errands. But I guess I was lucky that day my partner was out of town and I manage to get Autopower Rescue team to help me to replace the battery in less than 1 hour.
Michelle Ting
Home Maker
My car stalled near the LDP highway in the middle while I was on my way to see my client, since I did not drive it for a while during the MCO. Autopower Rescue team helped me to change my battery in the busy morning road I can resume back my way to work...
Zac Tan
Sales Manager
You do not know when your car battery will give up, but I am not worried about these issues anymore I know I can always count on Autopower Rescue.
Lim Meng Chee
Uni StudentTips & Care

All tires lose air, so checking your tires monthly is an essential piece of basic car maintenance. Always use the

Engine coolant is a mixture of water and anti-freeze that helps to stop your engine overheating. Most modern cars have

Ideal Engine Temperature for Oil Check Oil is a very important part of an automobile, as it lubricates the machinery

1. Change when cranking power and performance is nearing the minimum requirement for your car. It’s recommended
AutoPower Battery
AutoPower aims to transform the automotive auto – assist industry by affectionately dominating the pulse of its’ business – AutoPower’s Customer’s Experience. Our edge rests in many years of hands-on experience within the service industry and since day one, we have been constantly and continuously finding ways to improve each and every aspect of our customer’s journey.
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